Nimevutiwa na maelezo yaliyotolewa kama Information for International Students juu ya hali halisi anayokumbana nayo mtu anapojikuta katika utamaduni wa kigeni:
Moving to a different cultural environment is a very stressful experience – that’s why it is sometimes referred to as “culture shock”. You will likely go through a difficult period of adjustment and homesickness after the initial excitement wears off. This is normal. As you learn your way around the campus and its unique culture, you will be more comfortable at AIU. Soon you will be helping other new international students adjust to AIU and Kenya. If you are willing to learn, you will learn a great deal about yourself and others who are different from you. You will leave here enriched and transformed.
Still, it is wise to take time before coming to prepare yourself and your family for the cultural adjustments that will be necessary. By reading as much as you can about cultural adjustment and talking to other international students, you can learn what to expect. Then you will better understand the feelings and frustrations you deal with as you adjust to your new environment. Since academics will demand a great deal of you at AIU, any preparation you can do before coming will help all of your adjustments once you arrive on campus....Due to cultural differences, you may feel somewhat confused when talking with fellow students. “What do they mean?” Communication in Africa is inferential rather than direct, so you will need to become adept at listening for what is being communicated between the lines.... Students at AIU are coming from all over Africa and the world. They will appreciate the time you invest in learning about the uniqueness of their own cultures—e.g. what communicates respect.
Maelezo na mawaidha haya yanahusiana na yaliyomo katika kitabu changu, Africans and Americans: Embracing Cultural Differences. Ni masuala yasiyokwepeka, hasa katika dunia ya utandawazi wa leo. Yanawahusu sio tu wanafunzi, bali pia wafanya biashara, wanadiplomasia, na kadhalika, kama ninavyoelezea mara kwa mara katika blogu hii.
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